On click on grid's cell the entire row of the grid (with clicked cell) is selected completely.
But I need to select only the clicked cell, row must be stay unselected. How to achieve this?
Here is my grid
Hello, Teodosia. Thanks for reply. I need [rowSelection]="'multiple", not even "single" - as mentioned in my question.So far I have managed to achieve this goal only with adding of boolean flag for "cell-Selected" event in my js code and checking it in "onRowSelectionChange" handler.
(onSelection)="onCellSelection($event)" (onRowSelectionChange)="onRowSelectionChange($event)"></igx-grid>
js code: cellSelected : boolean = false;
public onCellSelection(event) { this.cellSelected = true; }
public onRowSelectionChange(event) { if (this.cellSelected){ event.cancel = true; this.cellSelected = false; } } It looks quite ugly, of course. Would be nice to get the same result by adjustment of some grid settings.Is it possible?