need example for ig-grid with angular server side rendering and paging
Please help me on this,How can we implement server side paging with ig-grid angular 6. Is it supports server side paging with angular
I apologize for the delay.
I am currently working on providing you a sample based on your requirement.
Hi Hristo Popov,
Are you working on angular ig -grid server side paging?
Can I get the sample today?
Hello Sanaka,
Apologies for the delayed response.
Here is the sample you require - link - IgxGrid with server-side paging. We use ASP.NET MVC, but you can achieve the same result using any server-side technology. Please keep in mind we have the remote paging documented here.
Let us know if you need further help.
i am asking for ig-grid not igxGrid.I need ig-grid with angular server side paging
You can find more information on how to handle remote paging here -
dataSource: ""
instead of this i have to use angular service.How can i pass page size and page number to my .net c# class
In the future I recommend posting questions on the igGrid in the Ignite UI for JavaScript forum and tagging the post with both "igGrid" as well as "Angular" to help avoid confusion.
I've prepared a sample demonstrating remote paging and ig-grid.
Please review it and let me know if you have further questions.