need example for ig-grid with angular server side rendering and paging
Please help me on this,How can we implement server side paging with ig-grid angular 6. Is it supports server side paging with angular
I apologize for the delay.
I am currently working on providing you a sample based on your requirement.
Hi Hristo Popov,
Are you working on angular ig -grid server side paging?
Can I get the sample today?
Hello Sanaka,
Apologies for the delayed response.
Here is the sample you require - link - IgxGrid with server-side paging. We use ASP.NET MVC, but you can achieve the same result using any server-side technology. Please keep in mind we have the remote paging documented here.
Let us know if you need further help.
You can find more information on how to handle remote paging here -
dataSource: ""
instead of this i have to use angular service.How can i pass page size and page number to my .net c# class
In the future I recommend posting questions on the igGrid in the Ignite UI for JavaScript forum and tagging the post with both "igGrid" as well as "Angular" to help avoid confusion.
I've prepared a sample demonstrating remote paging and ig-grid.
Please review it and let me know if you have further questions.
i am asking for ig-grid not igxGrid.I need ig-grid with angular server side paging