• Re: How to update the GUI of WDG after updating the database by webImageButton out of WDG?

    Hello Schnapper,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    We received your support request concerning inserting a row into the WebDataGrid from a button click, and this case has been assigned to me. Infragistics is dedicated to helping you solve this…

  • WebDataGrid Batch Updating


    I have an issue with the WebDataGrid and was writing to get some feedback on how to approach my issue. 

    The issue is I have a WebDataGrid that uses batch updating and the WebDataGrid has columns that can be hidden or removed. When removing/hiding…

  • Dynamic columns and rows in WebDataGrid

    Hi. I am trying to create a dynamic matrix using WebDataGrid. The number of columns will be dynamically retrieved from data base (headers and data, columns and rows). Each column is of any type. I want to tie same dropdown list to all the cells…
  • “The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002)” error while opening the page designer


    I have asp.net web page having WebDataGrid 10.3 on it. While opening the page designer and also while opening WebDataGrid smart tag I am getting “The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002)” error. I was able to open designer without…

  • Re: Webdatagrid - automatic field setup - sometimes it doesn't work?

    Hello Jim,

    Thank you for submitting your inquiry to the Infragistics ASP.Net Forums.  The WebDataGrid has an AutoGenerateColumns property which may be set to true when DataBinding and setting a DataSource.  The AutoGenerateColumns property will generate…

  • Re: How to add Grid to ASP.NET Page

    Hello arifmahamud,

    After installing the NetAdvantage for ASP.NET product, the controls should appear in the toolbox when you open an ASP.NET website or application in Visual Studio.  If you see them in the toolbox, the WebDataGrid should be there.  To…

  • Re: UltraGridCell in WDG

    Hello Sreevani,

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    WebDataGrid control has a different architecture than its predecessor UltraWebGrid. It is a DataBound control, which means that it displays the records returned from the data source.


  • Re: WebDataGrid - How to highlight a row

    Hi Parthiban,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    You can find more information on styling individual WebDataGrid rows/cells at:


    A detailed guide for styling WebDataGrid may be found…

  • Error Grid !!! i dont know what happend


    i get an error when i Bind an WebDataGrid,  this WebDataGrid fills with a dataset .. this dataset provides a property called Detalle, but when i rebind many times with a new DataSet,   the application fails and display this error.

    DataBinding: 'Infragistics…

  • WebDataGrid losing style (CSS) on postback

    I am having a problem with webdatagrid.

    I am using a webdatagrid within a websplitter control. Both are used within an updatepanel.

    The webdatagrid loses the styling at postback actions now and then. When its lost it usually returns again on the next…