The bug is when the IsReadonly is true,the user still can paste string to xamMaskedinput by Ctrl+V even the paste context menu is disable.
I'm using IG 15.1 to found this issue.
That's sad. How can i disable paste command for XamMaskedInput and how long this bug can be solved?
Codes :
<igDP:XamMaskedInput Text="sdsad" IsReadOnly="True"/>
Hello Brandon,
Thank you for your post!
I have been looking into your issue and have logged this behavior with our developers in our tracking system, with an issue ID of 204080. I have also created a support ticket on your behalf with number CAS-159462-W6G7D5 in order to link the development issue to it so that you are automatically updated when a Service Release containing your fix is available for download.
In order for the user not to be able to paste text in the editor currently you can use the IsEnabled property of the XamMaskedInput.
Thanks, you also need to check CTRL+X and CTRL+Z when control is read only.
For now ,I'm using key down event to resolve this issue.