I am applying a ControlTemplate for a Tile. The header of the Tile is not visible.
The default header for tile will not appear with maximize/close buttons if we apply control template? Do the control template should have the header related tags also mentioned in it?
Attached is the sample.
Hello Prasad,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and the sample you have attached and I can say that in the Template for the TileHeaderPresenter you have only a button for maximizing. If you want a close button, you should add one. Yo ucan see how to define the button from the default Styles of the XamTileManager. They are located here by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2015.1\WPF\DefaultStyles\TileManager\generic.shared.xaml file
Please let me know if you have further questions on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.
Hi Stefan,
Here I am mentioning about the inner tile manager where employee data is binded via control template. The outer template where maximize button is shown is fine. The inner template is not showing any default header, it is showing only the content. It should atleast show the header with out maximize/close buttons naa? Correct me if my understanding is wrong.
I have modified the sample project, so now it uses your template and there is header. Basically instead of setting the Template of the XamTile, I set its ContentTemplate Property and modify the Bindings in the DataTemplate.
Hope this helps you.
I have attached the snapshot where I mentioned it as Header not appearing for inner tile.
nodeTile.Template = this.Resources["EmpTileContentTemplate"] as ControlTemplate;
nodeTile.DataContext = employee;
//Content = "Emp No: " + employee.EmpNo + "\nName: " + employee.Name + "\nDept: " + employee.Dept
When I assign a ControlTemplate named "EmpTileContentTemplate" for Template property of Tile, the Header is not visible.
So I think I need to add header (including close/maximize button) related things also to the ControlTemplate. The default header will not appear.
Could you please send us a screenshot of the result you get and the one you want to achieve, because at my side it seems like that in both maximized and normal state all headers are show?
Looking forward fro your reply.