We use xamdatagrid in one of our screens which gets live data. Ocassionally the grouping breaks and empty string is shown as group header with all records under it. I have only noticed this issue occouring when there is a data update.
If you have encountered this issue before then please suggest a fix.
Thanks and regards
Hi Parag,
I haven't encountered this before but I'm building a sample to try and reproduce this. I will get back to you once the sample is complete and I have tested this scenario.
I put together a small sample that binds the XamDataGrid to some data. I then grouped by one of the columns and ran a timer which periodically updates the data in that column. Using the latest build for 14.2, I do not see the grouping header becoming an empty string. I have attached my sample so you can take a look.
What is the version number for the Infragistics assemblies that you are using? Maybe you are using an older build?
Unfortunately the code uses many third party libraries and its very difficult to create a sample.
A consistent observation is that grouping works fine until new data is added to collection. so whever we dont have any new rows in the collection, existing data with datat ticks works fine, but whever new rows are added to the grid source this issue can recur.
Have you tried updating to the latest service release for 14.1 yet?
No, What is that? does it fix this issue?
we use version 14.1.20141.2062. Is that the service release?
Did you manage to download the 14.1.2261 service release?
14.1.20141.2062 is an older version. We currently have 14.1.20141.2261 available which is a couple of versions ahead of yours. Since I can't reproduce the issue on my end to confirm if this will actually fix it, I can't say for sure if this will do the trick or not. But I recommend you update anyway just to be sure. You can download it from your account on the Infragistics website. Just click on your 14.1 product key and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Then click on the Service Release tab.