Hello again:
Can you tell me how to upload images to the forum? I have no idea how to upload or find the url to specify.
Also can you tell how to format my uploaded code so that it can scroll and ins indented etc?
Hi nar,
In order to upload images, usually you just need to attach the image as a file and it should appear at the bottom of the post. If you want to post an image in the middle of your post somewhere, the image needs to be hosted on some website first. You then use the "Insert/Edit Image" button to add the URL to the image.
Here is an example:
As for displaying formatted code, the approach used differs from person to person. I personally first go to this website to get my code formatted to html. I then take the html and I add it into my post via the "HTML" button. Clicking this button opens a separate window filled with your post displayed as html. I add my C# code html to the post here.
int loopCount = 10; for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) Console.WriteLine("This is some sample code.");
Got it using the options tab!
Alas my company blocked the image upload site.