I would like to know if there is a way to change the UI language of Infragistics WPF Controls on the fly.
I set this two value, but all visual infragistics control does not refresh, I have to close them and reopen them to have the new language.
Thanks in advance for you help
Hello tigroux32,
Have you tried setting the control's Language property? I just tested this with a XamDataGrid on a button press and it appeared to work. (xamDataGrid1.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("de-DE"))
Could you give me a list of the Infragistics controls you are using?
Ok so I need to refresh specificly all controls.
Unfortunately the controls only look at the application's CurrentCulture upon initial load. If you need to change the language during runtime after the control has already been created then you will need to use the Language property.