I have an application where I am using the xamDock manager that takes up the whole screen but I would like the orientation as follows.
Top of the screen
Pane 1 (takes up width of the whole screen)
Pane 2 (half of the width screen) | Pane 3 (half of the width screen)
Pane 4 (takes up width of the whole screen)
Pane 5 (half of the width screen) | Pane 6 (half of the width screen)
Bottom of the screen
Is this achievable? Initial location only seems to respond to DockedBottom, DockedRight, DockedLeft, and DockedTop. How would I express "Docked BottomRight" for example, please?
Hello Christian,
To achieve the desired layout of the panes in the DockManager, I have added four SplitPanes to it. If you set each SplitPane’s original location to DockedTop, they will all be the width of the screen, and they will all dock directly under one another. Then, you can set the height of the SplitPane and add the desired number of content panes to each.
I have attached a sample project to demonstrate.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Sincerely,AndrewDeveloper Support IInfragistics Inc.www.infragistics.com/support
is this the correct syntax if I wish to add content to the content pane dynamically from viewmodel?
<igWPF:SplitPane igWPF:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedBottom" SplitterOrientation="Horizontal" AllowDrop="True">
<igWPF:ContentPane x:Name="bottomDock" prism:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:KnownRegionNames.DockedBottom}" />
void OpenPositionSummary()
var view = _container.Resolve<PositionSummaryView>();
view.DataContext = _container.Resolve<PositionSummaryViewModel>();
var region = RegionManager.Regions[KnownRegionNames.DockedBottom];
I Get the following error when I try it this way (PositionSummaryView.xaml is a ContentPane) ...
"ContentPane 'Modules.InventoryManagement.PositionSummaryView Header:Position Summary Content:' cannot be nested within another ContentPane ('Infragistics.Windows.DockManager.ContentPane Header: Content:Position Summary')"
Should I change PositionSummary to be something other than a content pane?