We need to display an icon. The visibility depends on the data in another collection which is not the xamdatagrid datasource. But using some cell value of each data row, we could find the data in that collection then decide if the icon should show or hide.
Can we use an event right after xamdatagrid finishing data binding and set the cell's visibility? What's the event?
Thanks for help.
I couldn't quite catch what exactly the Visibility of the Icon is dependent upon. Could you provide a more detailed example of the structure of your data and how the resolution of the icon's visibility should work and what it is dependent upon. A sample solution would be best.
I don't believe that there is such an event that will be fired after the grid has been bound.
Thank you for your reply. You are right, I should not use unboundField, just use bound field. Right now there is another question, how to hide or show a cell according to data value. I saw this post: http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/67821/343970.aspx#343970
But in the sample project if the one cell value of "Open" is equal to 1, all of this column is hidden. What we want is to only hide this cell, and show other cells whose value is not 1.
I do not think that its ok to hide only some cells of a column - this is basically breaking the grid concept, what happens with the columns that are after that one that has some of its cells hidden?
Your options might be either hide/show the whole column or leave the column visible and hide/show the content of its cells based on some custom logic. I suppose the second option would work better for you. Controlling the cell's content visibility could be easily achieved with providing a custom convertor which basically has the knowledge whether to show or not an icon. If you could provide a sample illustrating the case I would be able to help you better.
did you have the time to look at my latest post?
Don't hesitate to ask if you need further assistance on the matter.
Thanks for your feedback.
If you need more assistance on this matter please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you. Yes I've realized that hiding part of cells is not proper. It's only possible to hide or show the whole column. Since I need to display some image in a cell, sometime I don't need to display. Under that situation, I just create a blank image for those cells.