When I type the following, " Imports Infragistics.Documents.Word"
I am getting the error Ambiguos namespace
Am I referencing the namespace somewhere , and if so how do I find it?
Hello Marius,
Thank you for your post! I have been looking into it. I have created a small sample application to test this behavior and was not able to reproduce it. In the sample application I have using the latest version of our controls – 13.2.
Would you please provide me with a small sample application showing the issue, in order for me to be able to reproduce it.
Thank you in advance for the provided information. Looking forward to hearing from you.
I figured out the problem. I had a reference that caused this.
My problem now is that I am Exporting from the Ultragird and would like to add some headers to the document after the export has happened. How can I do this.
I have been looking into your post and it seems that I am missing something from your scenario. Would you please provide me with further information about the platform you are using? Is it WPF or is it WinForms?
It is for Winforms.
I am getting a problem with the WordDocumentWriter , is it a control that I should drag from the toolbox, or is it part of something else?
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components
On the following link you will find simple tutorial of how you could Export WinGrid with Paragraphs to Word;
Also I’ve implemented this tutorial for you, so you will be able to run the sample and verify if this is what you are looking for.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.