Is there an event that can be listened for which fires whenever there is a change to the underlying formula on a xamFormulaEditor?
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and it seems that I am missing something from your scenario. Would you please further explain when and how you want the change the formula of the xamFormulaEditor. Thank you in advance for the information.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
The user can change the formula either by typing into the FormulaEditor or clicking the Fx button and using the FormulaEditorDialog. I need to know when the formula changes.
The XAML I am using is:
<StackPanel><StackPanel.Resources><ig:XamCalculationManager x:Key="CalculationManager" x:Name="CalcManager"></ig:XamCalculationManager></Grid.Resources><ig:XamFormulaEditor Target="{Binding ElementName=FormulaString}"/><TextBlock x:Name="FormulaString" ig:XamCalculationManager.CalculationManager="{StaticResource CalculationManager}"><ig:XamCalculationManager.ControlSettings><ig:ControlCalculationSettings Formula="[A] + [B] - 1"/></ig:XamCalculationManager.ControlSettings></TextBlock></StackPanel>