Hi Infragistics Team,
I have a XamDataChart with a valueoverlay.
I'm using a style to set the control template.
That causes a nullptr exception in the xaml-editor and in the runtime thrown in some ig-method.
Please check this.
Hello Karl,
I have been looking into your sample application and I was wondering why you would like to re-template the ValueOverlay. It seems that you just want to change its background. If it is true, you need to set its ‘Brush’ property.
Let me know, if you need any further assistance on this matter.
Hello Yanko,
no i don't want to set the brush only. That was only an example to Show the control throwing an error when control template is used.
In my real application i have a control that allows dragging the line with the mouse. I allready use it for the Markers. It is derived from Content control. I want to refacture it using it also for the ValueOverlays.
for the markers it looks something like this:
<Style TargetType="Control">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Control">
<Grid DataContext="{Binding Item}" >
<my:CStützpunktDragIncrementor Active="{Binding Model.UserLockProperty.Value,Converter={StaticResource Not}}" >
<!-- Rest goes here -->
</my:CStützpunktDragIncrementor >
I know I may also use an attached property but as the control has state Information it'll be quite sophisticated to manage this states in attached properties. Using a Content control seemed much more easy for this. I may refacture the control to use attached properties but this costs time again and so it would be better i could use the control as it is just adding some code to Switch between vertical and horicontal dragging. (The marker dragging works vertically as my value overlay dragging must work horicontally)
But therefor i Need the control template working for value overlays as shown in the example. Can you verify it's an Problem of the value overlay control? Will you fix it? Until?