I'm working with NetAdvange for WPF and I have the following code:
<ig:XamNumericInput Name="Quantity" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Height="28" PromptChar=" " SpinButtonDisplayMode="Never" ValueTypeName="double" Value="{Binding Path=Quantity, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"> <ig:XamNumericInput.ValueConstraint> <ig:ValueConstraint MaxInclusive="{Binding MaxQuantity}" MinInclusive="0" /> <ig:XamNumericInput.ValueConstraint><ig:XamNumericInput>
and the Property:
public double MaxQuantity{ get { return lMaxQuantity; }}
The Binding for MaxInclusive constraint is not working. I don't know if this is an issue of the control or is not allowed to use binding here.
I reviewed this topic http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/73987/374112.aspx and nothing seems to be different....
Can you help me please? Is there anything wrong?
Best Regards,
Claudio Herrera
That's my code behind:
private ValueConstraint valueConstraint = new ValueConstraint {MaxInclusive = 50}; public ValueConstraint ValueConstraint { get { return valueConstraint; } }
Hi George,
I only want to set the limits allowed for user. I tried this, and didn't work. Actually, can't see here how to set the max and min values.
Hope you can guide me.
Thanks for your help :).
Thinking more on this, here is one workaround.
You can have binding set to ValueConstraint like this:
<ig:XamNumericInput ValueConstraint="{Binding Path=ValueConstraint, Mode=OneWay}">
Hi Claudio,
We are going to fix the issue.
Meanwhile to have a workaround if you can help me understand what you are trying to achieve.
Is the two-way binding important or it's one time only setting? Is the change happen only on some event or the user of your app can change this value? What else is important in your use case?
Thanks for your quick reply.
Hope your team have an alternative solution for my requirement.
Thanks again!