Also, how can the YAxis lables be right justified?
Hello Jesse,
Thank you for your post. To justify the text to the right the TextAlignment property of the AxisLabelSettings can be set to ‘Right’.
For your second requirement to set the XAxis of the SplineAreaSeries at the bottom of the chart the Location property of the XAxis can be set either to ‘OutsideBottom’ to place the axis on the bottom outside the chart or ‘InsedeBottom’ to place the labels on the bottom inside the chart.
For your third requirement regarding the position of the labels you can set the ‘Extent’ property, which define the distance between the label and the axis. Here is a link to our documentation, where you can find more information about the AxisLabelSettings:
I have created a small sample to show you this functionality.
Please find the attached sample and feel free to let me know if you have any further questions on the matter.