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XamDataChart LegendItem Visibility

I have a XamDataChart in a ContentPane and a Legend in another ContentPane. When the chart is visible (and on startup) the LegendItems show, when the chart is not visible they do not show. I have a LegendItemTemplate to override the Series.Visibility binding but I am unable to make the LegendItems visible when the chart is not.

I used Snoop to identify that while the Visibility property on the ContentControl of each LegendItem is set to Visible the IsVisible readonly property is set to false. The Legend is still visible but the LegendItems are not.

  • 130

    This is a screenshot of Snoop on the ContentControl that hides the LegendItem. All of the "(ContentControl) 9" objects represent a LegendItem.

    A bigger issue may be that the LegendItem bindings are being wiped out (all of the yellow rows on the right indicate a changed property of the LegendItem's ContentControl when the chart is no longer visible).

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