In xamDataGrid there is the possibility to drag a column after or before another column?
In xamDataGrid there is the possibility to remember column width set by user?
I just noticed no one has yet responded to your query.
There is not an easy way to support dragging columns to re-order them. You could do it by writing your own logic for implementing a drag event. You would then need to programmatically reset the column indexes for the Field layouts.
You can request this feature at the following web page:
To remember user settings, you will need to save these programmatically and reset Field Layout widths programatically as well. This is another feature that is worth requesting.
Thank you,
It is possible to remember cell's width set by user.
use storeWidth = field.CellWidthResolved for this purpose. when loading the grid layout set
field.Settings.CellWidth = field.Settings.LabelWidth = storeWidth;
I have used this and its working very well.