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Minimized xamDialogWindow


We have WPF application which uses xamDialogWindow as a base class for MDI-like interface. For now all minimized dialog windows are located in upper left corner of the main container window and look like empty box 400 x 400 pixels, without header. I tried to explicitly set MinimizedHeight and MinimizedWidth in XAML and code behind - no result. I tried to create a panel in parent window XAML and specify it's name in MinimizedPanel - no result. I tried to explicitly create Panel and and set MinimizedPanel in code behind - in this case minimized panel just disappear.

Is it possible to create MDI-like minimized windows using xamDialogWindow ?



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  • 138253
    Offline posted

    Hello Ed,


    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can suggest you look in the Samples Browser under xamDialogWindow / Display / Defining a Minimized Panel section, where there is a sample which shows how to define minimized panel. Please let me know if this helps you or you need further assistance on this matter.


    Looking forward for your reply.
