On I have xamTabControl (WPF v12.1) in several windows. Something like this:
<igWindows:XamTabControl Name="xamDeals" Grid.Row="2" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTab, Mode=TwoWay}" Theme="[current]">
The problem is - on some windows all tabs are borderless, but text on the top is visible (Header in TabItemEx) as well as content of all tabs. In VisualStudio I don't see borders for all tab controls in all windows. Can it be fixed ?
Hello Ed,
I have been looking into your post and I am not sure that I understand the issue completely. I cannot see the image. Would you please attach the image in a zip file and if possible a sample application which shows the issue ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
It looks like forum user interface does not let me attach zip files and when I try to attach images, I can enter image URL, not a local file.
I put 2 images to dropbox:
I am checking if this is still an issue for you.
If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you for your reply. It is very strange that the border between the tabs is missing. It seems that some theme or style has been applied to the XamTabControl. Would you send me a sample application where this behavior appears in order to provide you with more accurate assistance ?