Is there any example code for the xamChart ? I try to use scatter XY lines...
I have to draw 1000 to 1500 points with real-time acquisition, 1 points every 50ms...I made a spline line with 1500 points: it takes 5s to redraw the chart on windows resizing !
What can I do ?Sincerely
Please excuse my poor english, I'm french...
To improve performence RefreshEnabled property has to be used. This is a sample which creates scatter chart:
this.ScatterLineChart2D.RefreshEnabled = false;
DataPoint point = new DataPoint();
double sigma = 10;
double y = Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(x - mean, 2) / (2 * Math.Pow(sigma, 2))) / (sigma * Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI));
point.ToolTip = y;
// Enable the chart refreshing
thank you to have answered.
Unfortunately, that improves only one part of the problem: in my mind, the biggest concern comes from the slowness of resizing: when I resize the windows form (with real time aquisition ended, and so, no more point appended), it takes 5 to 6 secondes to redraw the chart.
I want to add a dock manager to my form: the chart will be docked into a panel, and a datagridview will be docked into anther one.Our customers resize the docked components frequently (regarding they makes analyses, or search for particular results).It is impossible to say to them "don't worry, you have only to wait for 5seconds, the chart will be redrawned..."
I do not understand why it is so slow, especially for a simple resizing without data points modification !
May be another idea ?