I'm using the XamTextEditor like this:
<igEditors:XamTextEditor Name="xte_Name" Width="120"
Value="{Binding Person.Name, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}" />
My Problem is when I enter a value and want to cancel the changes with ESC, the view shows the old value but my binding get's updated with the entered value.The binding is set to the correct value when I move the focus, but between cancel and moving focus my dialog shows inconsistent values.
Is there a way to "really" cancel the changes?
I have researched this issue and it seems that UpdateSourceTrigger is already discussed in this forum thread.
Please have a look at it and let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Maria,
I think the UpdateSourceTrigger is not the problem.The problem is, that the bound property get's updated even if I cancel my input with ESC.Which leads to the situation that the value of my property differs from the value the XamTextEditor shows.
From my understanding when I hit ESC, the property should not be updated.