I have a XamDataGrid (version 2011.2), when a user has tabbed off of the "Add New" row I need the focus to return to the first cell of the Add New row so they can enter another record, the default behaviour keeps the focus on the record that has just been added.
I have tried to use DataPresenterCommands to move the focus or to find a way to set myGrid.Records.DataPresenter.ActiveCell but haven't had any success.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I have been looking into your question and I can suggest you look through the following forum thread where Stefan already has provided an approach on how this functionality can be achieved :
If you need any further assistance on this matter, feel free to ask.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'd some how missed that during my searches.
I have just tried the code in that post but it does not seem to work, CurrentAddRecord is always null.