I need to focus XamMaskedEditor through Automation.
I have an XamMaskedEditor with AutomationID="xme1".
AutomationElement xme1 = library.GetElement(mainWindow, AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "xme1", TreeScope.Descendants);xme1.SetFocus();While executing the second statement, an exception is thrown.The target element cannot receive focus. at MS.Internal.Automation.ElementUtil.Invoke(AutomationPeer peer, DispatcherOperationCallback work, Object arg)Call Stack:> UIAutomationClient.dll!MS.Internal.Automation.UiaCoreApi.CheckError(int hr) Line 1223 C# UIAutomationClient.dll!System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement.SetFocus() Line 916 + 0x21 bytes C# CalculatorTest.exe!CalculatorTest.TestCalc.StartTest() Line 26 + 0xa bytes C# CalculatorTest.exe!CalculatorTest.Program.Main(string[] args) Line 14 + 0x1d bytes C#Please help me with this issue.
Could you please tell us which version you are using(it seems like: 12.1.1010).
Looking for your reply.
We are using version 11.2. Please provide a workaround in 11.2 if this issue is fixed for 12.1 as we are not in a position to upgrade the existing project to 12.1. I haven't tested for 12.1.