Our customers use the chart in order to check the trend of some processes. The number of processes is variable. Multiple colors are undesirable.Therefore we use different dash patterns to differentiate between the processes.There is also a possibility to mark one of trends with the one special color.Unfortunately the legend does not shows the dash patterns.Is it possibile to style the legend in order to display the dash pattern of the series?
Many thanks.Bonitz.
Hello Bonitz,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into the appearance that you are looking for and I can suggest using a DataTemplate for the LegendItemTemplate property of the Series. In the DataTempate you can add a Path and bind its Stroke,StrokeThickness and StrokeDashArray properties to the same properties of the Series. By doing so the line in the Legend will be the same as the one of the series. I have created a sample application for you that demonstrates how you can implement this approach.
If you need any further assistance on the matter, please do not hesitate to ask.
Developer Support Engineer
Hello Krasimir,
Thank you for your prompt response.It works.