In our application, we sometimes create new documents by drag&drop. Would it be possible somehow to make this play nicely with the Infragistics docking to our users could have the option to position the documents at the same time? Currently, the documents is created on drop, and then the user can reposition afterwards, but we would like to make this a one-step operation if possible, so I would like to display the docking indicator once the user drags the relevant object into the docking manager. I've looked around the documentation but cannot figure out how I would go about this, or if it's even possible.
Is there anyone here who can help?
The drag operation is only initiated internally - i.e. when the user drags one of the draggable elements such as the PaneHeaderPresenter, PaneTabItem or the caption of the PaneToolWindow. You may want to submit a suggestion for adding this feature.
Thank you both for your prompt response. Too bad the functionality is not already available but at least there may be hope for the future.
Hi Ingeborg, did you find any solution for you functionality? I want to make the same, from TreeView to Drag&Drop a node, and when the node arrives the XamDockManager control to raise the PaneDragStartingEvent, change the source to pane control and somehow to show the indicator, where the user can place the pane.
It is possible? Anyone has an idea?
We use both, but in different contexts. But if we could initiate placement, it would probably be only for D&D actions.
How do you create? Click on a button or with drag&drop?
No solution yet. We can create the pane, but not place it.