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Get all the selected nodes in the XAMDataTree


I want to retrieve all the checked Nodes, but not able to find any propertyby by which I can do that.

I am including the code, Here If I select any EventSummary then I need all the selected 'NodeLayout collections'. I am using MVVM pattern here

Please help me.

                        <ig:XamDataTree x:Name="MyTree" ItemsSource="{Binding BKOFSummary}" NodeLineVisibility="Visible" Grid.Row="3">
                                <ig:NodeLayout Key="ProductTypeLayout" TargetTypeName="Summary" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource myItemTemplate}">
                                        <ig:CheckBoxSettingsOverride CheckBoxVisibility="Visible"/>
                                <ig:NodeLayout Key="EventTypeLayout" TargetTypeName="EventSummary"  ItemTemplate="{StaticResource myItemTemplate}">
                                        <ig:CheckBoxSettingsOverride CheckBoxVisibility="Visible"/>