We have tiles that dynamically change size based on content. This works well with one exception: if there are tiles off screen and the scroll bars are enabled, the tiles control will scroll when one tile changes size. For our application our tiles change size vertically, so a vertical scroll occurs when the tiles change size, often scrolling to the topmost tile. It is awful when trying to add content to a tile far down, the addition cause the tile to be scrolled off screen as the vertical scroll bar returns to the top.
I figure this is because a tile size change triggers a refresh of all tiles. Is there a way to disable this?
I have attached a sample to demo the issue. Scroll to the Meats tile (so the vertical scroll bar is not at the top position) and press the button. The Tiles control will scroll to the top.
I have not tried this with v12, still on v11.2 as that is what we plan to ship with. Can you please confirm this issue does or does not occur in v12. Thanks!
Not fixed in 12.1, just tried.
I have run your demo application with the latest service relase for 11.2 (from May 23, 2012. Build number is : 11.2.20112.2185) and it seems that the tiles now do not scroll to top after we change the tile's content.
Please download the latest service relese from the Infragistics site for 11.2 and let me know if your issue is solved.
Thank you,
Olga G.
This did fix the problem. Thanks!
Hello Chris,
I created for you new ticket in our support system in order to link it to this issues. This way you will be automatically notified when the resolution for this is available. The support ticket number is: CAS-94154-L337L3. I will provide you with the details through it.
If you have any additional questions or concerns on this matter please feel free to ask.
Thank you again for the detailed information. I have logged these issues. Soon you will receive an update on them.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Olga,
Perhaps I was not clear. We have already evaluated Infragistics Tiles and planned to release the next version of our product with a framework built on these tiles. Unfortunately we did our initial evaluation with version 10.3 at large resolutions with all the content visible and did not find these issues with scrolling until now.
I don't think we'll be able to move to the XamTileManager easily as we have a framework built ontop of the TilesControl to support drag and drop, we use the Tiles outside of the TilesControl, and we have restyled the TilesControl and Tiles. We'd have to evaluate the impact of moving, plus XamTileManager does not seem to resolve our issues.
I have tried the updated project with the XamTileManager and noticed the 2 issues still exist and there is a new issue:
3. Resize the XamTileManager to show the horizonal scrollbar (I doubled the minimum width to make this easier to see). The scroll down vertically. Select any row in the ListView and the erroneous scrolling will occur.
This 3rd issue is even worse than the other 2.
I tried this in 11.2.2185.
Please let me know if you make any progress on these issues.
Hi Chris,
thank you for the detailed information. Please, take into account that we ship service releases for all product versions at once. This means that for both 11.2 and 12.1 we have shipped service releases in May. For 11.2 build is 11.2.2185, and for 12.1 is 12.1.20121.2002. When you evaluate controls with 12.1 version, and have issue, please make sure that you have installed the latest service release for this version.
Another thing that you have to know is that xamTilesControl's support(issues fixing, new features, etc.) will be no longer available. I suggest you, in your case(as you are in a process of evaluating), you to use xamTileManager control - this is the successor of xamTilesControl. The difference between them is still minimal, and it will be easy for you to start using it.
Here is the explanation about the control retirements. And here you can find basic information for the usage of xamTileManager.
I have updated your project with xamTilesControl replaced by xamTileManager - check the attached project. The scrolling behavior with the horizontal scroll bar is not an issue in this sample.
Let me know what do you think.
I will investigate more deeply the other issues as quick as it is possible. I have noticed that the behavior with TextBox editing can be improved if use Grid instead StackPanel, or put StackPanel in a ScrollViewer.
I take it back, this does not fix the problem in all cases. When the Tilescontrol is large enough to satisfy all the Tiles minimum width (ie no horizonal scroll bar on the Tilescontrol) 11.2.2185 does solve the erroneous scrolling issue. If the Tilescontrol is made small enough to require a horizontal scroll bar the fix does not work, the erroneous scrolling still occurs.