We have tiles that dynamically change size based on content. This works well with one exception: if there are tiles off screen and the scroll bars are enabled, the tiles control will scroll when one tile changes size. For our application our tiles change size vertically, so a vertical scroll occurs when the tiles change size, often scrolling to the topmost tile. It is awful when trying to add content to a tile far down, the addition cause the tile to be scrolled off screen as the vertical scroll bar returns to the top.
I figure this is because a tile size change triggers a refresh of all tiles. Is there a way to disable this?
I have attached a sample to demo the issue. Scroll to the Meats tile (so the vertical scroll bar is not at the top position) and press the button. The Tiles control will scroll to the top.
I have not tried this with v12, still on v11.2 as that is what we plan to ship with. Can you please confirm this issue does or does not occur in v12. Thanks!
Not fixed in 12.1, just tried.
You can use BringIntoView method. If you want to see the Meats tile you can type:
xamTileControl.Items[5].BringIntoView() in button's click event handler.
That may work, yet its an ugly solution as the tiles will scroll up/down. Plus I have to write a bunch of custom code to handle when my controls change size, cause most change size when the collections change they are bound to . There must be a better way.
Is this a defect or the intended behaviour?