HelloI have a problem with the display of the Appointments XamOutlookCalendarView Control.The problem is when I use my own class for my Appointments. The names of the properties I have maintained and continued:. AppointmentPropertyMappings =New Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.AppointmentPropertyMappingCollection (). AppointmentPropertyMappings.UseDefaultMappings = TrueThe first view is correct. After changing the object is not displayed correctly.I use the standard dialog for changeDataManager.DialogFactory = New Infragistics.Controls.Schedules.ScheduleDialogFactoryFigure 1)After generating
Image2)After changing
Hello Marcus,
Thank you for the screenshots. I have been testing the XamShedule based on the described scenario still I am not able to reproduce it on my side. For example I tried to edit the appointments using the default dialog in our sample browser and if I changed some of the content from the dialog, all of the changes were correctly mapped over the day view as well. Would you please provide me with a test sample where your issue is representable so I can be sure that we are looking on the same scenario.
Thanks in advance.
If you still need any assistance on the matter do not hesitate to ask.