Hi *,
is there a way to add a help button between the title bar and the ribbon? If you look at Office 2007, there's an help icon on the right hand side.
Currently there is no built in support for this but you could provide a modified template/style for the XamRibbon.RibbonTabControlStyleKey. You may also want to submit a request for adding this as part of the product - http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx
Hy Andrew.
Do you know if this feature it's implemented in Infragistics 2008 vol.2 or if it will be implemented in later versions, maybe hotfixes?
Any news on this? Is the 'Help' icon to be supported or has a feature request been raised?
Let me know if you want to use the ButtonTool hack.
Thanks dshecht1, but I'm kind of already using it:
private void ribbon_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ var tabControl = (XamTabControl)Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(ribbon, typeof(XamTabControl), true); var btnHelp = new ButtonTool { LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/Icons/Ribbon/Help.png")), ToolTip = AssemblyHelper.ProductName + " Help (F1)" };
btnHelp.Click += btnHelp_Click; tabControl.PostTabItemContent = btnHelp;}
But, like you said, there's an extra space on the right of the button where it expects a caption. Did you figure a way to get rid of this?
My code is somewhat different, but I think this should work for you:
var btnHelp = new ButtonTool { LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Images/Icons/Ribbon/Help.png")), ToolTip = AssemblyHelper.ProductName + " Help (F1)", Width = 22, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 3, 0), };
Excellent, that was easy. Although, you can probably remove the Margin setting as this is not used in other Office 2007 applications.
However, I am still interested in Support letting us know when/whether this will be built-in functionality...
Has built-in support for this been added yet as per Andrew's earlier post?