I want to allow floating on all content pane but restrict docking to only DocumentContentHost (and only in the center, not left, not right ...). How can i achieve this?
Hello mheusser,
In the ContentPane object you can set AllowDockingLeft, AllowDockingRight, AllowDockingTop, and AllowDockingBottom property values to false.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter. Thank you.
Thank you for your response. It works but not 100%.
The restrictions take place only if the pane is floating and is taken back into the DocumentContentHost. However when pane enters the "drag mode" (not taking the pane out of the host) i can still dock the pane eg. on the top.
In regards to allowing the content pane to only drop in the center of the document content host when a pane is floating I can take a look at any options on this. I will send another update for a progress on the thread on Friday for any questions.
That's incorrect. The restriction takes place when the pane is floating but not when in drag mode.
For the behavior on the control on allowing the ContentPane to be dropped in left, right, top, bottom locations that is contained document content host I have logged this with TFS Issue #104828. Also for the case number on this is CAS-85797-03MZ4V.
For allowing the content pane to only be in the center when the pane is in the document content host I am currently looking into any options. I will send another update for a progress on the thread Wednesday for any questions.