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Implement SortComparer in xamDataPresenter?

Anyone have an example of how to use a SortComparer for a field?  I have a field that shows Heights, but is being sorted as String.  Therefore, after clicking the Height column header, I get results like (where I really want to sort numerically, not by string).  I cannot just change the underlying value type to integer either, it must remain strings, but I figure i could Parse the values to an int in the SortComparer or something?  How do i interupt the sorting when the user clicks the column header?

9 ft

13 ft

12 ft

11 ft

10 ft

Here is the Xaml:

<Window x:Class="XamDataGridSorting.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" 
:igDP="">     <Grid>         <igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding}" Name="xamDataGrid1"
="Top" >                      </igDP:XamDataGrid>     </Grid> </Window>

Here is the code:

namespace XamDataGridSorting
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            ObservableCollection<Tree> data = 
new ObservableCollection<Tree>();             data.Add(new Tree() { Name = "Apple", Height = "9 ft" });             data.Add(new Tree() { Name = "Pear", Height = "10 ft" });             data.Add(new Tree() { Name = "Cherry", Height = "11 ft" });             data.Add(new Tree() { Name = "Palm", Height = "12 ft" });             data.Add(new Tree() { Name = "Oak", Height = "13 ft" });             this.DataContext = data;         }     }     public class Tree     {         public string Height { getset; }         public string Name { getset; }     } }
No Data
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