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Using xamMap within ElementHost

Would like to use xamMap within a ElementHost control on a windows form control. Therefore I don't have Xaml code file or Designtime capabilities.

Can I get design time capabilities?

Any ecample code for full C# code based implementation of a XamMap control.

All I want to do display is at least one (maybe a couple of shapefiles) and load a dataset from a web service with lat longs and place points of interest and respond to clicking on POI. will need zoom and panning capabilities.


Parents Reply
  • 3255
    Verified Answer
    posted in reply to David

    Hello Ahrensd,

    I created a sample for you which shows the data point on a map.  I sent you this sample through the support case CAS-76704-Q48YYP.  You’ll be able to access this case from the My Support Activity page: <>.

    The sample is based on the following help topic.

    Below is the xaml

                    <ig:MapLayer LayerName="statesLayer" x:Name="usa_st"    
                         Brushes="Green yellow Red" 
                         ToolTip="{}{Name}: Pop. {Value:n0}" Imported="usa_st_Imported">
                        <!-- Note: Actual Shapefile is loaded in code-behind using absolute path and this XAML code is provided for your convenience -->
                            <ig:ShapeFileReader Uri="/../../Shapefiles/usa_st" 
                                DataMapping="Caption=STATE_ABBR; Name=STATE_NAME; Value=POP1997; Abbreviation=STATE_ABBR;Area=AREA;SubRegion=SUB_REGION"
                    <ig:MapLayer x:Name="symbolLayer" Imported="symbolLayer_Imported">
                                <Image Width="50" Height="50" Source="/Images/phone.png" />


    Here is the code behind:

    private void usa_st_Imported(object sender, MapLayerImportEventArgs e)
                if(e.Action == MapLayerImportAction.End)
                    // Find Element using Name property
                    MapElement newYork = theMap.Layers[0].Elements.FindElement("Name", "New York").ElementAt<MapElement>(0);
                    // Get Point data from Cartesian coordinates
                    Point nyOrigin = new Point(newYork.WorldRect.X + 350000, newYork.WorldRect.Y + 300000);
                    // Create Element
                    SymbolElement element = new SymbolElement()
                        SymbolOrigin = nyOrigin,
                        Caption = "Best Phones",
                        SymbolType = MapSymbolType.None,
                        SymbolSize = 20
                    // Assign arbitrary value so that Value Template can be used
                    element.Value = 1;
                    // Make enough space in layer for the added shape
                    Rect worldRect = theMap.Layers[1].WorldRect;
                    theMap.Layers[1].WorldRect = worldRect;

