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can't drag a field on the xamPivotGrid

I'm testing the controls xamPivotGrid and xamPivotDataSelector with your example solution PivotGridHostControl

I Have a question:

I delete "Freight" from the "Drop Data Items Here" on the xamPivotGrid. Now I want drag the field "Freight"
from xamPivotDataSelector to "Drop Data Items Here" on the xamPivotGrid (the same place, where previously the field "Freight" had existed) . But I can't drop there the field.
I see a circle with a x.
Why it doesn't work?


Parents Reply
  • 8831
    posted in reply to Sangeetha

    Here is explained how you can define your custom aggregator. Look for the attached
    Also you can look at this sample where you can find how you can implement an aggregator which operates over data with type of string.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards.
