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FieldLayout Refresh

I have a user control that allows the user of the application to select which users are allowed to purchase an amount of a set of products.  A grid then is populated with the list of users selected as columns and the products are each a row in that grid.  The problem that I have is that the WCF service contains the underlying object with a List of User objects so whenever I try and edit the amount for that user, the grid won't allow me to exit the cell editor.  I think this is due to the fact that the grid does not auto generate its fields.

Is there a way where I can set define the columns in real time and then refresh the columns displayed after a user hits a button?  Below is a simple example of the hack where I hard-code in the properties.


<Window x:Class="XamTreeView.Window1"



        Title="XamTreeView" Height="600" Width="600"



    <Grid x:Name="gridContainer">

        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="grd" GroupByAreaLocation="None" DataSource="{Binding Path=MyProductCollection}">


                <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="True" AllowRecordFixing="Top" />






public partial class Window1 : Window


        public MyContext Cntx { get; private set; }


        public Window1()



            MyContext ctx = new MyContext();


            this.Cntx = ctx;


            this.gridContainer.DataContext = Cntx;




    public class MySimpleProduct


        public string ProductName { get; set; }


        // These should come from a dictionary<String, double>...

        public double AdamBought { get; set; }

        public double BobBought { get; set; }


        public MySimpleProduct(string productName, double adamBought, double bobBought)


            this.ProductName = productName;

            this.AdamBought = adamBought;

            this.BobBought = bobBought;




    public class MyContext


        public List<MySimpleProduct> MyProductCollection { get; set; }


        public void Initialize()


            this.MyProductCollection = new List<MySimpleProduct>();

            this.MyProductCollection.Add(new MySimpleProduct("Toys", 100, 10));

            this.MyProductCollection.Add(new MySimpleProduct("Houses", 90, 0));

