I have a xamDataGrid, populated with data and having few fixed columns on the left side.
When I select with the mouse and extend selection to the right the grid scrolls fine.
When I select to extend to the left the selection goes over the fixed columns and thus does not cause scrolling to the left.
My question is
Is there a way to control this behavior.
I need scrolling to left to happen before the selection is being extended over the fixed to left columns.
Thank you.
I am able to reproduce your issue and am currently looking into this. I will get back to you as soon as possible with more information.
I have obtained a work around for this issue as the control does not have this functionality built in. You will be hearing from the Developer Support Engineer working your case about how we are going to go about getting this functionality built into the control. But for now, I have attached the workaround. You will see that it uses the SelectedItemsChanging event, along with a timer and a check method to see what element the mouse is over. Hopefully, this will work for you.