I'm using a XamMaskedEditor to mask a numeric value ("nnn.nn") for example. Before the user enters text this is displayed in the text box:
That is correct. When the user type the number 6 before the decimal point, for example, and then presses tab, the following is shown in the text box:
However, instead of the 'Text' property (which I'm binding too) being "6.00" it is actually just "6". Is this a bug or is there something I'm doing wrong?
I wasn't able to reproduce your issue. Look at the attached project.
Hi Anastas,
Thanks for looking at this. If you set the 'IsAlwaysInEditMode' property on the XamEditor to true, then you can replicate this behaviour. It turns out that in my case I don't need this set to true so you've managed to solve my problem. Is this how 'IsAlwaysInEditMode' is meant to work?!