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Create common context menu in WPF

This is more of a general WPF question than your controls, I tried posting on Expert Exchange and Stack Overflow without any success.  So I thought you might be able to help.

n my app I have many grids (Infragistics). I would like to create a context menu that will implement many of the common functions ie: delete, save layout, etc. and if a specific grid needs more than the common functions be able to add to the menu for that grid. I would like to create one context menu and not have to repeat the same code throughout project.

I have no idea on how to accomplish this. Possible? Example xaml and/or code will be helpful.

Thanks a bunch,


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  • 1285
    Verified Answer
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Curtis Taylor

    Here is my solution I came up with:

    I created  a resource dictionary with code behind to hold my context menu (

    resourcedictionary xmlns=""><ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
       <x:Array Type="{x:Type sys:Object}" x:Key="GridContextMenu">
           <MenuItem Header="Test" Name="Test" Click="Test_Click"/>

                               <ContextMenu Opened="ContextMenu_Opened">
                                           <CollectionContainer Collection="{StaticResource GridContextMenu}"/>
                               <ContextMenu Opened="ContextMenu_Opened">
                                           <CollectionContainer Collection="{StaticResource GridContextMenu}"/>

    To get the to the grid in the event handler I needed to do this in the context opened handler:
    private void ContextMenu_Opened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
               ContextMenu c = sender as ContextMenu;
               CompositeCollection col = c.ItemsSource as CompositeCollection;
               CollectionContainer col2 = col[0] as CollectionContainer;

               foreach (object item in col2.Collection)
                   MenuItem m = item as MenuItem;
                   if (m != null)
                       m.CommandParameter = c;
    And in the click handler in the resource code:
    private void Test_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
               MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem;
               ContextMenu cm = mi.CommandParameter as ContextMenu;
               XamDataGrid grid = cm.PlacementTarget as XamDataGrid;

               if (grid != null)
                   MessageBox.Show("Does Not work");