Is it posssible to restyle the header section to cater for word wrap on field names?
My dataset is not fixed so modifying entries in the FieldLayout.Fields in xaml is not an option.
Assuming the word wrap is possible, what property to I need to set in the code behind? I'm also assuming the header section would need to be re-styled (using a textblock for example), just not sure where to "stick it".
Paul Eden
By the way.. .your auto-complete for the post tags is the most akward i've seen todate - can't you lose it?
Hi Paul,
In order to make your fields sized to the content of their headers you need to use AutoSize. More precisely:
.xamDataGrid1.FieldSettings.AutoSizeOptions = FieldAutoSizeOptions.Label;
this.xamDataGrid1.FieldSettings.Width = new Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldLength(0, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.FieldLengthUnitType.Auto);
Hope this helps.
This does not address the issue - if the column sizes itself to the header content, the content will never wrap.
Aside from this, autosize is also not an option as pre-defined widths have to be assigned to the columns.
paul eden