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ActiveRecord is not scrolling to viewport

 Hi there,

I activiate and select a record in XamDataGrids InitializeRecord event. After the Grid is shown the Record is selected too. But not in Viewport. How can I realize that. Please have a look at the Sample I've attached. 


  • 4850
    Offline posted

    Hi JD,

    It appears to be a timing issue. You need to do this asynchronously, e.g.

    delegate void RecordMethod(Record rcd);

    private void ActivateRecord(Record rcd)


    rcd.IsActive =
    true;rcd.IsSelected = true;



    private void XamDataGrid_InitializeRecord(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.InitializeRecordEventArgs e)


    DataRecord item = e.Record as DataRecord;

    string modelID = ((DataModel)this.DataContext).ID;

    string recordID = ((XmlElement)item.DataItem).GetElementsByTagName("ID")[0].InnerText;

    // Record found - activate and select them

    if (recordID == modelID)

    this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Loaded, new RecordMethod(this.ActivateRecord), item);


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