Is there a way to auto expand a group through code?
If you want to expand all groups (group by records) you can use the ExpandAll method of the Records collection. You can also handle the InitializeRecord event of the XamDataGrid and expand the record (by setting the IsExpanded property to true) if it is a GroupByRecord.
This worked. Thanks for your help. On another subject.
Is there a way to customize the Group Expanders? Can I center the text , change the background color etc.,??
Once again, thanks
Yes, if you are referring to Group Expanders as the GroupByRecords. Their visual representation is the GroupByRecordPresenter element, which you can craete a style for and restyle/retemplate it. You can find the default style for this element in the DefaultStyles directory in the Infragistics folder and use this as a base for your custom style.
Hi John,
I am looking for the approach to achive this feature in xaml itself, instead of using the codebehind approach.
Thanks in Advance
Hello Saravanan,
The correct way of expanding a Record is through the Record's IsExpanded property rather than the DataRecordPresenter's IsExpanded property. You can do this in the InitializeRecord and check if e.Record is GroupByRecord and expand it or you can do this in the XamDataGrid's Loaded event. You will not be able to do this correctly using Triggers.
Hope this helps you.