What is the reason that I can't bind in xaml to the datasource attrribute of the sqlshapereader?
ie <igMap:SqlSharpReader DataSource="{Binding}/>
I would very much like to be able to do this so that when I update the data source the new values are bound to the map.
Currently I have to manually refresh this data in c#,which is clunky
sqlReader.DataSource = points;
is there a way to have the map points live update on the map? Is this a feature that is planned to be implemented.Thanks for your time
Hi Murray
Curruntly SqlDataReader 's DataSource object is processed after a call to the ImportAsync() method. You can refer to this sample for more information: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/WPFDV/2010.2/CLR4.0/?page=xamWebMap_Display_Geospatial_Data_from_SQL_Database_Server.html
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best Regards
Ivan Kotev
Ivan Thanks for your reply,
Yes I am aware that that is how you do it at the moment.
I guess what I am asking is that is there a way to do it without manually callying the async.
The map control is the only one that I use that does not automatically refresh when the data changes.
For an example refer to your graphs, you bind a data source to the graph and when it changes the graph redraws.
This is the behaviour that I would expect out of the maps. I assume that as of this version it does not support it. But maybe you could add it as a feature to incorporate in the future
Hi Murray,
We will try to support this behaviour in one of our future releases. Also you can submit a feature request to Infragistics via http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/RequestFeature.aspx.
Thanks !