we have the following problem with the XamDockManger: If we using commands in our menu and use controls in the XamDockManager who bind the commands so the commands can not execute if the controls are floating.
Here an example:
<my:XamRibbon DockPanel.Dock="Top"><my:RibbonTabItem Header="Start"><my:RibbonGroup Caption="Group"><my:ButtonTool Caption="Copy" Command="Copy"/><my:ButtonTool Caption="Cut" Command="Cut"/><my:ButtonTool Caption="Paste" Command="Paste"/></my:RibbonGroup></my:RibbonTabItem></my:XamRibbon>
<igDock:XamDockManager Theme="Aero"><igDock:XamDockManager.Panes><igDock:SplitPane igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedLeft"><igDock:ContentPane x:Name="leftEdgeDock" Header="Left Edge Dock Pane"><TextBox/></igDock:ContentPane></igDock:SplitPane></igDock:XamDockManager.Panes></igDock:XamDockManager>
What can we do?
Assuming this is the same problem, there is the ToolWindow solution: http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/33432/227844.aspx
However a recent several release for several versions of NetAdvantage supports this without using the ToolWindow. I've tested it and it works great.
Sorry, I try it but it dosen't work :-(
I copy the code in my MainWindow class and set the ToolWIndowLoaded Event (ToolWIndowLoaded = " OnToolWindowLoaded"). If the TextBox floated the menu buttons are disabled.
What's wrong?