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XamTextEditor/XamMaskedEditor Data Binding and DataRow.

I have the same issue as this post :

Was there ever a solution for this?  When I bind the Text property of the XamMaskedEditor to a column in a datarow, with the datamode=Raw, when I click in the MaskedTextbox (but don't edit anything), it marks the DataRow.DataRowState as Modified.

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  • 54937
    Verified Answer
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    The WPF binding infrastructure updates the source object whenever the DP is set even if it is to the same value. When you go into edit mode, the editor recalculates the text property by reconverting the value to a string since you could have a displaytextconverter that represents the value differently while in edit mode then not. You could either set the IsAlwaysInEditMode to true so that it doesn't enter/leave edit mode based on focus or bind the Value property instead of binding the Text property.
