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XamDataCarousel DataItem layout and behavior

WPF 3.0, XamDataCarousel v9.1.

I was looking at the example for "Setting Items Per Page" in the Infragistics documentation. I am interested in replicating the behavior I see for the data items in the example, where each item (employee) displays a name which changes font weight on mouse hover, displays an image, and displays a title.

I see where the data is created and bound to the carousel, but did not see in the Xaml or code behind where the height and width of each of the three display elements is controlled, nor the hover effect over the name. Since employee contains 15-odd data members (and each datarow contains the same fields), where/how are the exact three selected for display in the carousel?

Can someone quickly point me to where in the example project I should look?

No Data
  • 69686

    Some styles are omitted to keep the xaml fairly simple. The font weight change can be achieved with a trigger for the CellValuePresenter targetting the IsMouseOver property. If you want the full xaml code for this, you can take a look at the source code of the XamFeatureBrowser, which you should have installed on your computer as well.

    The fields you want to see or not see, you can control with their Visibility property.
