I'm trying to do the simple example of having the first row be the one that new records are added on. In the example a dataset is created then attached to the datasource.
this.XamDataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; It works fine.
When I set the datasource to an ObservableCollection that first add row is missing. any thoughts?
The reason the add record doesn't show up is because we only support adding records to a data source that implements the IBindingList interface. Instead of using ObservableCollection try using BindingList<T>.
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Thanks for turning the light on for me.
If you are bound to an ObservableCollection just add it to the collection, we will pick up the notification.
Is there an example of how to add a new record to a grid from code behind? I'm just looking for an alternative solution.