I'm having a bit of a problem setting the back color of a column header when it has been dragged into the Group Area.
We use a Label Presenter based on a Office Theme and set our own BackColor & HighlightColor which works fine, the problem is when the column is grouped, it seems to override the color settings when displaying in the group header section.
From the screenshot you can see that the grouped column header backcolor is still a yellow color. How can we change this?
The code we use to setup the LabelPresenter is as follows...
var labelPresenterStyle = new Style(typeof(LabelPresenter));labelPresenterStyle.BasedOn = DataPresenterOffice2k7Blue.LabelPresenter;
Recently we had an issue about this. Could you please provide us with an isolated sample just to confirm that this is the same behavior that we know of? If this is the same issue, I am going to create a support ticket on your behalf so that you will be notified when the service release is out.
Hi Alex
Thanks for the quick reply. As requested I've made a sample project which shows the issue. Dragging any column header to the Group By area seems to ignore any backcolor or setting we've made in the LabelPresenter.
Also one other quick related question...
Also can you tell us how to style the background of the field chooser button to match the style we have already applied to the LabelPresenter ?We have found the correct area to target is the HeaderPrefixArea and we have tried the below style but it has no effect:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:HeaderPrefixArea}" BasedOn="{x:Static Themes:DataPresenterOffice2k7Blue.HeaderPrefixArea}"><Setter Property="Background"><Setter.Value><LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1"><GradientStop Color="#FF80B9DC" Offset="1"/><GradientStop Color="#FF0070DE" Offset="0"/></LinearGradientBrush></Setter.Value></Setter><Setter Property="Foreground"><Setter.Value><SolidColorBrush Color="White" /></Setter.Value></Setter></Style>
I am sorry for the delay. This seems to be the same issue. I am going to handle your case and link it to the development issue, so that you will be notified when the service release is out.
This part (where the FieldChooser button resides) is controlled by the HeaderAreaBackground property of the DataRecordPresenter. Like this:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordPresenter}">
<Setter Property="HeaderAreaBackground" Value="Red"/>
Thanks Alex - this worked perfectly (styling the FieldChooser button location)