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Binding in a DataTemplate - is this possible?

O hai!

I'm trying to get some error-bar like things going on in my xamChart, but I'm not having much luck. 

My XAML looks like mieux (notice the binding in the first TranslateTransform):

        <Chart:XamChart Margin="19,245,23,33" Background="White">


                <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Chart:MarkerTemplate}">



                            <TranslateTransform Y="{Binding Bid}" />


                        <Rectangle Height="16" Width="1" Stroke="Blue" />

                        <Rectangle Height="1" Width="6" Stroke="Blue">


                                <TranslateTransform Y="8" />



                        <Rectangle Height="1" Width="6" Stroke="Blue">


                                <TranslateTransform Y="-8" />







                <Chart:Series ChartType="ScatterLine" DataSource="{Binding Smile}" DataMapping="ValueX=Strike; ValueY=Fair">


                        <Chart:Marker Foreground="Transparent" UseDataTemplate="True" />






 And I'm binding points in the chart to objects that look a little something like this: 

  class PriceVM : DependencyObject


    public float Strike


      get { return (float)GetValue(StrikeProperty); }

      set { SetValue(StrikeProperty, value); }



    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Strike.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...

    public static readonly DependencyProperty StrikeProperty =

        DependencyProperty.Register("Strike", typeof(float), typeof(PriceVM), new UIPropertyMetadata(float.NaN));


    public float Bid


      get { return (float)GetValue(BidProperty); }

      set { SetValue(BidProperty, value); }



    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Bid.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...

    public static readonly DependencyProperty BidProperty =

        DependencyProperty.Register("Bid", typeof(float), typeof(PriceVM), new UIPropertyMetadata(float.NaN));


    public float Ask


      get { return (float)GetValue(AskProperty); }

      set { SetValue(AskProperty, value); }



    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Ask.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...

    public static readonly DependencyProperty AskProperty =

        DependencyProperty.Register("Ask", typeof(float), typeof(PriceVM), new UIPropertyMetadata(float.NaN));


    public float Fair


      get { return (float)GetValue(FairProperty); }

      set { SetValue(FairProperty, value); }



    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Fair.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FairProperty =

        DependencyProperty.Register("Fair", typeof(float), typeof(PriceVM), new UIPropertyMetadata(float.NaN));


But the data binding doesn't get picked up. Is it possible to do this, or am I chasing une hareng rouge (red herring)? 

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