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XamComboEditor Iseditable=True and Binding (Property is 'set' twice)

I have a XamComboEditor that is bound to a Class.  When the user selects an item from the dropdown, the PropertyChanged event for the bound property is fired twice!

<igEditors:XamComboEditor Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="cbxInputName" 
     Value="{Binding Path=InputName, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" />

I bind the Itemsource as Follows
    this.cbxInputName.ItemsSource = Wrap.Fields;

Where Fields has a string property "FieldName"  that I want to be both the Value and the Display

If I simply remove the IsEditable value - then the propertyChanged event only fires once.  Any Suggestions.


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